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Mid-Year Updates
During the past week, Keléstia Productions posted some updated versions of previously published publications. The changes were made to fix typographical errors and to make some other minor corrections. If you have purchased any of the following publications, you can obtain a free copy of the revised document(s) by going to your account's files tab and then just click on the product to download.
The updated products are:
Hârbáaler Kingdom of Lédenheim (v. 1.0.3) - Corrected dates on an historical map.
Lédenheim Clans & Folk (v. 1.0.2) - Corrected a few dates on the Lédensen royal family tree.
Atlas Keléstia Map SHKN-H5 (Tázela) (v. 2.0.1) - River labeled Orike is actually the Sôwir.
Atlas Keléstia Map SHKN-H7 (Trepûra) (v. 1.0.2)
Atlas Keléstia Map SHKN-J5 (Ôrgetkin) (v. 1.0.2)
Atlas Keléstia Map SHKN-K5 (Gámleyan) (v. 1.0.1)
July 9, 2012
Summa Venâriva - a social history of Venârivè
Introducing a whole new in-depth guide to the social, religious, political and economic history of Venârivè.
For the first time, Keléstia Productions is proud to provide an extensive 130 page detailed description of the historical trends and forces that have shaped Venârivè, and which thus provides an important resource for richer, deeper roleplaying and game development.
This publication is provided in an extended essay format, both as PDF document and in two eBook formats. It includes a number of useful maps and an extensive index and glossary. It is an important addition to the Venârivè Northwestern Lýthia module.
Keléstia Productions are happy to announce the publication of the 20th issue of Atlas Keléstia.
This issue describes map square BX (Détule) on the Shôrkýnè regional map, an area on the northern coast of the kingdom of Emélrenè and including parts of Quándas Bay and the Quándas Hills. There is growing tension between the area's settled folk and the roving 'Free Eméla', exacerbated by the increased ethereal activity in the region.
Keléstia Productions have published the 19th issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-H6 (Vârkenheim) and details an area on the coast of southern Hârbaal, including all of the settled parts of the kingdom of Ánvâl and of Sówidh thranáal in Géltheim.
This is a revised and updated version of a map square originally included in the Atlas Keléstia "Chélemby-Géltheim Folio", published in 2004. In addition to several corrections and an improved "vegetation & relief" layer, the revised map and text include two score new minor villages as well as expanded descriptions for most older entries. Some locations marked on the original map but omitted from the original text are now described, while some locations included in the original text but not shown on the map are now marked.
(Please note: If you purchased the "Chélemby-Géltheim Folio" folio after September 2008, you are entitled to a free copy of this revised map square. Check the downloads section of your account profile.)
March 18, 2012
Atlas Keléstia - SHKN J4 (Welf)
Back into the wilderness...
Keléstia Productions have published the 18th issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-J4 (Welf) and details a rugged area in the wilderness of western Huriséa and the central Hârbáaler Alps. It includes small pieces of the Hârbáaler kingdoms of Lédenheim and Ketánia.