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Journey to Ábrelyn - Part II

Journey to Ábrelyn (a tale of Emélrenè) - Part II - the Elder Dark

The group of fosterlings made camp on a ridge overlooking a stream that ran down to join the upper reaches of the Gadén river. The sun set early, even though it was summer, passing down behind mount Negéros, now far to the west. Mists rose from the valley below, and a gloom gathered round the group.

Their elderly émhlèn guide, Erýnos, as he had done before, warned the group to keep close together, and not stray from the fire. Kélroth was still lost in thought, pondering the realisation that these steep hills and peaks were his true homeland. He went about his appointed tasks automatically, paying little attention to his fellow travellers. They ate a rough but pleasant meal, and when they were done, Kélroth gathered their wooden bowls and made his way down to the nearby stream to clean them.

Journey to Ábrelyn

Journey to Ábrelyn (a tale of Emélrenè) - Part I - the Call of Home

Kélroth and his companions had travelled several days on their journey up the Legáma river valley from Ráleth, making their way along the trail through the foothills of the Jerinálian mountains. They had been provided hospitality at Hiténos keep, the seat of the Earl of Negáros.

The group's guide, an aged émhlè, had been warmly welcomed by the Earl's constable, and they had been provided with accomodation of a higher standard than Kélroth had encountered either at home on his uncle's humble manor far south in Berémashire, or anywhere else on the road. Rumour was that the Earl was away hunting or possibly even south in Beréma; Kélroth and his companions were not privy to such details.

The Émel Gálani - the Middle Straits

The narrow waters between the island of Hârn and the Lýthian mainland are known as the "Émel Gálani" - the Middle Straits.

These straits lie between the realms of Emélrenè and Mèlderýn, and do not so much separate these realms, as bind them together - even though they can be dangerous for shipping, particularly between the island of Mèlderýn and Cape Kálam (the westernmost point of the Lýthian mainland).

Miscellaneous Content: 

Chéler Player Guide (Free)

Chéler Player Guide Keléstia Productions is very pleased to announce the release of the first of our free Player Guides - the Chéler Player Guide.

This Guide will assist players (and Gamemasters) new to the Chéler people gain an overview of the kingdom, its major city and the people who live there. It provides an introduction to the culture, history, politics and geography of the kingdom and its surroundings, making players more at home and able to enjoy this fascinating setting.

This guide is the perfect accompaniment to the Keléstia Productions series of publications covering Chélemby - including Kingdom of Chélemby, Chélemby: City of the Sea Kings, and the Chélemby Interactive Map.

The Chéler Player Guide can be downloaded here: http://www.kelestia.com/files/Cheler_Player_Guide_100.pdf

Hávnhus Interactive PDF map
Today we have also released another interactive, multi-layered PDF map for Chélemby City. This is a high-quality version of the Hávnhus (I34) map included in Chélemby: City of the Sea Kings. This multi-layered map will enable GMs to decide what information they wish to share with players, and enable them to print out those features they wish. The Hávnhus interactive map can be found here.

Other free Chélemby downloads
We have a growing number of free downloads design to support GMs and players using the Chélemby setting. Downloads include a PDF version of the poetic map of Chélemby City, PDF versions of the interior layouts, and more. These can be be found on the Chélemby Downloads page.

Product File Updates (November 2009)

Today we have updated the download files for two products:

  • HârnMaster Gold: Shèk-Pvâr - minor edits, fixes to some spells
  • Chélemby: City of the Sea Kings - minor edits

If you have already purchased these products, you should be able to re-download them from the "Files" section of your account.

If you have purchased HMG: Shèk-Pvâr in the past, but you don't currently have a download link for this file, then please contact me (jeremy@kelestia.com), and I will arrange for a new link to be issued to you.

List of changes to HMG: Shèk-Pvâr

The following have been fixed in HMG: Shèk-Pvâr:

  • Sináin and Kúzhai have been corrected throughout;
  • the Range and Duration data for "Cloak of Zhatran" (Pèleáhn 14) have been fixed;
  • the Range and Duration data for "Recollections of Áliunè" (Sàvôrya 10) have been fixed;
  • the Fatigue data for "Arrow of Utêrn" (Sàvôrya 12) has been fixed; and
  • the Fatigue, Time, Range and Duration data for "Grasp of Chésmè" (Grey 9) have been fixed.
