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HMK release time frame and price
Based on the few finalizing steps still ahead of us, we are working towards a mid-August release of HârnMaster: Kèthîra. We will announce the exact day soon, but, today, would like to share with you the prices of HMK's various formats.
The PDF-only version of the 436-page book will be immediately available for download for $30; the printed Standard Edition will be $60 (plus free PDF); and the printed Collector's Edition will be $80 (plus free PDF). The free HMK PDF accompanying either printed version will also be available for immediate download on the August release date. The physical books will then go into print soon thereafter and will ship several months later. We'll keep you updated throughout the coming weeks on the ultimate shipping date of the hardbacks to purchasers.
Stay tuned for news regarding the worldwide hardback shipping prices, and for the details of a special store-wide sale that kicks off on the August release date of HMK.
July 21, 2024
Robin's map of Beldîra
It's time for another Premium Content item: We present the third of N. Robin Crossby's previously unreleased town maps, a map of the Huriséan town of Beldîra. With a population of around 15,000, Beldîra is the largest settlement in all of Quârphor. The map nicely illustrates the unusual town location, being mostly built accross a cluster of islands in the Tîrga River. Just like the previous two maps, this map is unlabelled and presented exactly the way that Robin left it to us.
(Reminder: Premium Content is exclusive content for Premium Users. A Premium User is any customer who has purchased products for $100 or more. The content can be accessed under Free Stuff→Premium Area.)
July 8, 2024
A fresh new face: a look at the covers of HârnMaster: Kèthîra
We hope you are as excited about the upcoming HârnMaster: Kèthîra as we are. In addition to expanding on the game mechanics, this new edition also features a fresh publishing style. Central to this, of course, are the covers, and we'd like to share with you a look at the front and back of both the Standard Edition and the Collector's Edition.
Please click on the thumbnail to the right, or the button below, to open a gallery of various impressions of the HMK cover (including a few interior page renderings).
Standard Edition:A weathered-faced shaman of the tribal Great Alts. A mysterious mail-clad knight of Kandáy. A noble-born Shénti mage from the learned Pèleáhn chantry of Zerúla. An undervalued strength of the skill-based system of HârnMaster has been its allowance for players to create unique characters from a variety of cultures who express a wide array of talents and vocations. While NPCs like Génin, Lóthrim, and King Míginath have become well-known to veteran Hârn gamers, we felt it time to place front and center the true heart of the tabletop role-playing experience: evocative player characters.
Collector's Edition: The Pvâric Wheel plays an important role in both versions of the new cover layout, but is expressly highlighted -- in platinum foiling -- in the Collector's edition. It is one of the most important symbols for the nature of the arcane, recognized by scholars throughout all of Lýthia (maybe all of Kèthîra), and we think it is also one of the most recognizable elements of HârnWorld lore for our Terran readers. Inspired by the Grey Masters of the Shèk-Pvâr who have attained equal skill in all convocations represented in the Wheel, our design goal with HMK is to provide an all-encompassing rules system for exploring all regions of Kèthîra.
As usual, we're looking forward to your feedback -- via our forums, our Discord community, or e-mail. Please stay tuned for announcements about the date of the PDF release and hardback pre-order.
June 28, 2024
Two more noblewomen join the ranks
The imminent HârnMaster: Kèthîra is not the only exciting product KP has in the pipeline for you: Kingdom of Palíthanè will describe this important Lýthian realm in full detail for the first time.
Today we'd like to share with you two additional entries in our Palíthanè Character Vignettes series: the Princess of Gwéfyn and the Countess of Ántivel. With these two powerful noblewomen added to the selection, you can now get acquainted with a a total of eight major figures of Palíthanèr politics. You can find these and all other character vignettes in the Free Stuff→Lore section.
Considerable progress has been made on the Kingdom of Palíthanè module. Development and the first draft of the text is largely complete, and the kingdom map is being finalized. The remaining steps are editing, layout, and illustration. We anticipate being able to release the module in early 2025.
We hope you have been enjoying the vignettes of leading political leaders in the realm. If you have any thoughts about the module or the vignettes, let us know via our forums, our Discord community, or e-mail. Look for more previews of Palíthanè in the coming months.
June 16, 2024
Keléstia Productions E-mail Announcements
As an additional way of keeping you updated, we have recently launched a newsletter we call "E-mail Announcements". These Announcements will be brief messages informing you of product releases and other important HârnWorld and HârnMaster news.