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Product File Updates (September 2009)
In conjunction with the release of Chélemby - City of the Sea Kings, we have updated a number of Keléstia Productions products with new download files.
Most of these address minor issues, but most also involve a correction to the name of the elder folk - elves and dwarves. Previous publications have used inaccurate terms for these. The correct term for Kèthîran elves is Sinái (singular and plural; the adjective is Sináin). The correct term for Kèthîran dwarves is Kúzhai (singular and plural; the adjective is Kúzhan).
The major change is an updated map for Chélemby Interactive, which has improved historical layers, and is of a higher resolution.
The following files have been updated:
Chelemby Interactive - Map and Guide
Kingdom of Chélemby
Kèthîra 2.0
HârnMaster Gold: Players' Edition
HârnMaster Gold: GMs' Edition
HârnMaster Gold: Bestiary
An update to HârnMaster Gold: Shèk-Pvâr will be available shortly - we are checking a number of the spells.
If you have already purchased these files, you should be able to download them from the Files section of "My Account". If you no longer have the download links for these files, please contact us ( to arrange for a new download link to be provided for each of these files.
The following is a HarnMaster Gold Character Portfolio system designed to help folks keep track of character data. The BASE file contains the six pages that are most often needed. Additional pieces of the portfolio can be downloaded and added to the character's notebook as desired.
The headquarters of the Chélemby City Testrad, the committee of the Parliament of Chélemby that oversees the running of the City. It includes the offices of the Mayor, the Harbourmaster, Bondmaster and the Captain of the Chélemby Watch.
October 25, 2008
Charts of Salónen Ekàtriása
Salónen Ekàtriása is a renowned Chéler cartographer, based at Kolâdis.
He has expert knowledge of the seas around western Chélemby, and a good knowledge of other areas of the western Gulf of Shôrkýnè. Since the fisheries upon which Chélemby and Kolâdis in particular rely migrate seasonally and intermittently, he spends considerable time verifying and updating his charts, which are in strong demand from fishermen and other seafarers in the region.
Attached to this Lore article is an example of the Charts that Salónen produces - although he is unlikely to provide all of the data on the attached map to a single customer - but rather sell more specific information and charts on an "as needed" basis.
More information about Salónen and the fishing activities around Kolâdis can be found in the Kolâdis module.
Hârn Regional Maps - Printed and Interactive PDF now on sale!
Keléstia Productions is extremely proud to announce that two versions of a brand new, definitive, regional map of the islands of Hârn is now available for purchase.
This product is available both as an electronic, interactive PDF file, with multiple layers, and as a printed poster, which will be shipped to customers who order that version.
These two (separate) products can be purchased from the Keléstia Productions webstore: