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The official home of Hârn, HârnMaster, and HârnWorld.

Latest news

HârnMaster Preview 1

The next edition of the HârnMaster role-playing game system has entered the final stages of review and art direction. Over the next several months, we would like to share our intent behind its design, discuss specific rules, and unveil its new layout and artwork.

Design Goals

While Keléstia Productions' variety of game and world modules offers a great deal of flexibility, it can be difficult for players to know where to start. The primary goal with the new edition is to present the HârnMaster book as our obvious introduction to gaming in the world of Kèthîra. This requires it most importantly to be a unified product, where all the rules are found in the same volume -- character generation, skills, combat, magic, miracles, beasts -- instead of requiring gamers to cobble them together across several publications. We also intend to tie more closely together the game with the world, not only in the HârnMaster title, but also in future adventure and world region offerings.

While recast more clearly and completely, HârnMaster will also provide broader coverage of several game details. This includes rules for elements that received inadequate treatment in HM Gold, such as shamanism, astrology, runecrafting, tarotry, and alchemy. Moreover, several concepts that N. Robin Crossby had only begun to outline have been developed into specific rules, especially his approach to the interesting challenge of how to incorporate into gameplay the dozens of religions expressed in cultures throughout the entire world. Finally, we're taking the opportunity granted by a new edition to introduce both mechanics that streamline some aspects of gameplay and others that expand HârnMaster in terms of realism and usability.

While the Misty Isle will remain an ideal place to start gaming in the world of Kèthîra, the new HârnMaster will also travel beyond its shores, a journey N. Robin Crossby himself had long ago embarked on. It was carried forward by Keléstia Production's monumental Venârivè publication over ten years ago and, now, continues into the new edition of HârnMaster.

Preview 1: The Mastery Test

HârnMaster remains a skill- and d100-based system. The first preview covers two pages that introduce the game's core mechanic: the Mastery test. It explains how regular skill tests, opposed tests, attribute tests, and -- a new concept -- skill value tests work. A few terms and acronyms might seem cryptic at this point but will be explained in upcoming previews.

Those who downloaded the free Venârivè Poetic Map by Marc Grunert will notice certain elements of it in the design of this same two-page spread.

As an additional peek to this first preview, we share two pages from the Bestiary chapter, a dramatic highlight of the art by Juha Makkonen.

Both documents can be downloaded from the Free Stuff --> Previews section or right here:
Skill System preview, Dragon Entry preview

Falânia Gazetteer Preview

We have just released a two-page preview document for the upcoming Falânia Gazetteer, showcasing the beautiful cover illustration, a small-scale version of the map of western Falânia as well as a sample entry from the gazetteer (with information on the city of Silgôra).

You can find the preview document in the Free Stuff --> Previews section or by clicking here.

The Falânia Gazetteer will be the third of four modules detailing the Lýthian sub-continent of Hèpekéria (the other two being the Elánas Gazetteer and the Menêma Gazetteer). It will contain a customizable layered map of the western Falânia region and a gazetteer with information on all the important settlements, landmarks, and sites – among them the cities of Silgôra, Tásugez, Thúbeliz, Wúzadhim and Móranjaz. Part of the gazetteer is also a special section on Falânian society and politics, with details on the leaders of the Falânian Federation.

The module will be released in early December, in time for your holiday shopping.

The future of Keléstia Productions (is almost here)

Over the last few months, several of you have sent us questions about the state of Keléstia Productions and the future of our HârnMaster and HârnWorld lines. We would like to thank you very much for your interest, as it shows us one thing very clearly: We have been silent for too long -- while, indeed, there is a lot to share and to talk about.

Starting with this news post, we intend to change this policy. From now on, we will be more transparent about what's going on behind the scenes and will share with you preview material of products in development.

In fact, there are several works nearing completion -- among them a Palíthanè module and two Hèpekéria maps and guides. We are also finishing work on a new version of HârnMaster, and we're happy to report that it’s in the final stages of play test review, editing and art commissions. Over the coming weeks, we will be sharing previews of its layout and art and additional detail on the rules system.

Also, you have surely noticed the map in the thumbnail image -- this is our new Venârivè Poetic map by Marc Grunert. Elements of its medieval manuscript style and decor will be used in the layout of upcoming HârnWorld and HârnMaster products. Our regional maps, of course, will retain the great attention to detail and geographic accuracy that Keléstia Productions is known for and that you're familiar with. The new Venârivè Poetic map is free to download in full size in our Free Stuff --> Aids & Tools section. Click here to jump to it directly.

As part of this new product era, we will also finally reintroduce the eponymous "home region" of the HârnWorld line: the island of Hârn! A new Hârn regional module is in active development, entitled Hârn: The Misty Isle.

What's left is to thank you, our loyal fans and customers, again for your questions and your continued interest in our official and canonical Hârn publications. We appreciate everyone of you very much! And we hope that you are as excited about our upcoming products as we are.

We hope this answers the most asked question: Keléstia Productions and the official HârnWorld and HârnMaster lines are still very much alive and will soon enter a new era. More than ever, we are working on realizing the great vision of our founder, Hârn creator N. Robin Crossby: to provide you with the ultimate medieval fantasy setting and role-playing system.

Coming up in two weeks: preview material for Hèpekéria!

Printed products available again

As of now, the two printed products in our catalog -- the Hârnic Tarot and the poster map of Hârn -- are available again. For the last couple of months, shipping had to be halted due to reasons connected to the global health situation. While that situation itself is far from over, we are happy to announce that shipping of our products can continue in the regular manner.

So if you are interested in a physical version of the beautifully illustrated Hârnic Tarot cards or the highly detailed Hârn map, head on over to the Products section -- as both items are finally available again.

A message to all our visitors

Dear friends of HârnWorld and HârnMaster,

We, the Keléstia Productions team, wish you all the best during these trying times. We hope you stay healthy and wish any who are ill a speedy recovery.

For a while, roleplayers will have to find alternative ways to pursue their hobby. One good solution certainly is having RPG sessions online via voice or video chat. There are great (and free of charge) tools that allow you to do so. If you’ve never tried this form of role-playing before, you might want to check it out now. It’s still traditional gaming and actually very close to meeting in person. It allows us to keep a safe distance while still exploring fantastic worlds together with our friends.

At Keléstia Productions, we’re using this time to get even more productive than before. While we can’t promise anything given how fluid the situation is, you never know what surprises we may be able to provide for you over the next few weeks and months!

Till then: #stayhome #staysafe #bekind
