Aids & Tools

Free material to assist you at your gaming table and in using our products.

On the Silver Way (Quickstart Adventure)

On The Silver Way is a free 16-page PDF adventure that introduces players to HârnMaster: Roleplaying in the World of Kèthîra (HMK), the newest edition of the game originally created by N. Robin Crossby. While a copy of the HMK rules is required, the document includes advice to help gamemasters understand the rules and better teach them to new players.

Playable in just one or two sessions, the adventure is straightforward -- the player characters begin at one point on the wilderness trail called the Silver Way, and they try to arrive safely at a second point a few days layer. During the trek they face challenges involving survival, combat, social interactions, and esoterica. Encounters are clearly programmed to help gamemasters understand and present them more easily. Also provided are alternate ways to run the adventure, and suggestions on how to continue it as a longer campaign.

Included are three pregenerated characters with specific backgrounds keyed to the adventure. Gamemasters can provide additional ones, allow players to generate their own, or even insert the adventure into an ongoing campaign with existing characters.

The download includes the following files:

  • HMK_On_The_Silver_Way.pdf: The adventure itself. Similar to the PDF layers found in other products by Keléstia Productions, this PDF features two special layers that provide additional detail for the local-scale maps of the encounter sites.
  • HMK_On_The_Silver_Way_Maps.pdf: A one-page PDF of the very same maps appearing in the PDF's special layers (see above).
  • Four separate fillable one-page character sheets (three pregenerated PCs plus one blank).

We recommend using the (free) Adobe Reader for viewing and using the layered maps. Some other PDF readers may have issues with them (one reason we provide copies of the maps separately as well).

HMK Document Package

Several character sheets and other documents for HârnMaster: Roleplaying in the World of Kèthîra (HMK), designed to make character creation and play more convenient. The documents included are:

  • Fillable character sheets in black-and-white and color: HMK_CharSheet_BW.pdf and HMK_CharSheet_Color.pdf
  • Fillable character sheets for groups using the Eyesight, Hearing, and Smell (EHS) differentiation: HMK_CharSheet_EHS_BW.pdf and HMK_CharSheet_EHS_Color.pdf
  • Auto-calculating character sheets: HMK_CharSheet_BW_CALC.pdf and HMK_CharSheet_Color_CALC.pdf (Adobe Reader recommended)
  • Readme document explaining the use of the auto-calculating sheets: HMK_CharSheet_ReadMe.pdf
  • Campaign calendar for players and GMs: HMK_Campaign_Calendar.pdf
  • Weapon statistics reference for players and GMs: HMK_Weapons.pdf
  • Reference of combat sequences and melee result matrix: HMK_Combat_Sequences.pdf
  • Spreadsheet for skill calculations: HMK_character_skill_calculations.xlsx

We recommend using the (free) Adobe Reader for viewing and using the auto-calculating sheets. Some other PDF readers may have issues with them.

Poetic map of Venârivè

Our new poetic map of the vast region known as Venârivè, created by the talented Marc Grunert. The map is free to download, to use in your role-playing campaigns, and to print for personal use.

Left-click the button to view the full-sized map. Right-click the button and choose Save target as or Save link as to download the map to your computer.

Atlas Keléstia - Open Sea

Multi-layered PDF map for a generic Atlas Keléstia open sea square. Most vector layers which appear in Atlas maps have been omitted and only the various hex and square grid layers are included.

Download also includes a "flattened" PDF with just the 5-league hex grid.

HMG Occupation Tables

HârnMaster Gold Occupation Tables, in both PDF and XLS versions.

These should be more accessible than the format in HârnMaster Player Edition.

Chélemby Occupation Table

Chélemby Occupation Table, a PDF and XLS version of an adapted Occupation Table for Chélemby, for use with HârnMaster.

Nightsky of Kèthîra Generator

Are the stars right? From now on, you can easily see for yourself: Hârn fan Michael Jung has created an online tool that shows the constellations visible from Kèthîra on a specific location and on a specific day of the year.

With the help of this tool, you can now see what your character sees when he looks up to a starlit nightsky.

To the Nightsky page

HarnMaster Gold Character Portfolio System

The following is a HarnMaster Gold Character Portfolio system designed to help folks keep track of character data. The BASE file contains the six pages that are most often needed. Additional pieces of the portfolio can be downloaded and added to the character's notebook as desired.

Hope you like it.


Evánekin d20 Support Module

A supplementary module detailing Evánekin for the d20 system.

Evánekin d20 provides a town statblock for the castle and port, fully detailed NPCs who are prominent in the town. It also lists local rumours and folklore for Gather Information checks, lists all craftsmen and services available in the town with detailed classes, alignments, skill levels, prices, and more.

With this supplement, you can adapt your d20 campaign to the world of Hârn - a magic-rare, highly detailed campaign setting, or provide a detailed locale that can be seamlessly added to any campaign world you use.

Evánekin can be used as a standalone location for free, or combined with the PDF product Evánekin by Kelestia Productions, it can provide a living, breathing settlement for any DM, with maps, omens, bardic lore, heraldic displays, NPC portraits, and more."

Evánekin d20 is free.

Skill Calculator (Updated)

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet for HârnMaster v.2.1 Gold. Enter Attributes and the spreadsheet calculates Automatic, Family, Occupational and Militia Skills.

You need Microsoft Excel to view and use this file.
