Atlas Keléstia

Atlas Keléstia is an ongoing series of maps, each describing a piece of the world of Kèthîra (also known as HârnWorld) and including an index that provides short descriptions of the named locations on the map. Each map is 25 leagues (approx. 125 miles) on a side, or 625 square leagues in area, and shows the area's vegetation and relief along with geographical features, towns, castles, keeps, villages, shrines, mines, roads, trails, and more.
Each map is provided as a multi-layered PDF. The accompanying map index notes are presented as both a PDF document and as an Excel (XLS) file. A 'flattened' version of the map is also included, as is a key that explains the terrain coloring and the map symbols.
Atlas Keléstia squares are currently only available for locations in the Shôrkýnè (SHKN), southern Ivínia (IVAE) and northern Tríerzòn (TRZN) regions. The map below shows the grids for those areas. Click on any highlighted square to learn more about and to order a detailed map of that square. Also available is a list of Atlas Keléstia issues in order of release.
Guide to Using Interactive Layers
Our map guide details how to take advantage of the 'layers' on the Atlas Keléstia interactive maps.
Printing Notes
The maps are 20cm square. This means that on a sheet of U.S. letter-size paper (we recommend light cardstock), the map pages should have 8mm (5/16 inch) margins at left and right. On A4 paper, this should leave 5mm on each side.
If your printer cannot print this close to the edges of the page, you might want to consider the 'fit to page' option; this will reduce the size and scale of the map slightly but the quality of the print should be just as good.
Please note that inkjet printers especially are not particularly economical (and there is nothing anyone can do to make them economical) when it comes to printing highly 'saturated' pages, like these maps. The non-map pages may be printed in black and white if desired.
To discuss published Atlas Keléstia issues, please visit the "KP Products" section of the Forums. To make requests "AK" squares about not yet published, and to suggest location descriptions therein, please post to the "Future Products" forum.