Atlas Keléstia - SHKN C8 (Chánsa)

Price: $4.00

For murder, though it have no tongue, will speak...

Multi-layered PDF map and detailed index for Atlas Keléstia square SHKN-C8 (Chánsa).

The area of SHKN-G8 is located on the Shôrkýnè regional map on the northwest coast of the kingdom of Shôrkýnè and includes all or part of four baronies in the county of Bódoe. Much of the square is part of the Sea of Iváe -- traversed by ships sailing between Chélemby to the northeast and Emélrenè and Mélderyn to the southwest -- but the land area includes two keeps and 40 manors.

Locations on map SHKN-C8 include:

  • Chánsa keep - centre of a coastal barony whose governorship is currently vacant. The recent death of the governor has led to accusations of murder, which have the potential to ignite dormant religious feuds.
  • Édengel keep - centre of an inland barony normally quiet and disturbed by little more than the bleating of sheep. But an outbreak of violence at one manor and a mysterious death at another suggests all is not right.
  • Pádonahus - manor and Sàrajínian shrine near Chánsa that commemorates the survival of a past duke of Álagon during a great storm off the coast. The shrine is dedicated to the demi-god Njéhu.
  • Dómena - small abbey in Bodâra barony held by the Irreproachable Order. It is known as a house of healing and is one of the few Péónian pilgrimage sites in the region.
  • Sátiènes - a manor in northern Bodâra held by the influential clan Ótheles, who are striving to have one of their own made the new governor of Chánsa.

The SHKN-C8 index is 7 and 1/2 pages long and includes notes and data for 62 named locations. The index is also available as an Excel data file.