Atlas Keléstia - SHKN G6 (Chélemby)

Price: $6.50

One foot in sea and one on shore...

Multi-layered PDF map and detailed index for Atlas Keléstia square SHKN-G6 (Chélemby).

The area of SHKN-G6 includes almost all of the island of Chel, primary island of the kingdom of Chélemby, as well as a large section of the Hârbáaler kingdom of Géltheim.

Locations on the map include:

  • Chélemby City - largest urban centre on the Gulf of Shôrkýnè, and leading city of the far-faring Chéler.
  • Evánekin - home port of the Chéler Royal Navy, and site of the famous defence of the realm against powerful Hârbáal.
  • Kolâdis - Chel's wild western fishing town, where local tensions between factions run hot.
  • Gelt - seat of the ruler of the Hârbáaler kingdom of Géltheim, just across the Chéler Pass from the island of Chel.
  • Mt Chadîr - highest peak of Chel Island, named for an ancient Sárajìnian hero.
  • Páthwys - large landscape art depicting a giant carved into a hillside just north of Chadîr - it is regularly maintained but no one knows by whom.
  • Òprestýn Forest - forest in southwest Géltheim that is the site of the Nánthwys henge. It has a mystical reputation amongst locals.
  • Náthwys - a henge site in Géltheim thought to be of ancient Járind origin.

An index (provided as both a text PDF file and an Excel data file) includes notes and data for every named location on the map.

SHKN-G6 cartography by N. Robin Crossby, Ken Snellings and Robert B. Schmunk. Location notes and data by Jeremy Baker, Robert B. Schmunk and N. Robin Crossby.