Atlas Keléstia - SHKN H5 (Tázela)

Price: $4.25

Multi-layered PDF map and detailed index for Atlas Keléstia square SHKN-H5 (Tázela).

The area of SHKN-H5 is located in the centre of southern Hârbáal and includes most of Tázela thranáal in the sub-kingdom of Tónanby, as well as large wilderness portions of northern Géltheim and Ánvâl.

Locations on map SHKN-H5 include:

  • Tázela castle, fortress of the Hâlinon lords who once held the petty kingdom of Kîrdaelund but who now rule Tázela thranáal;
  • ten freeholds and three important mines in Tázela thranáal;
  • the Gélten Mountains, the southwestern most extension of the Hârbáaler Alps, in the midst of which are
  • the deep Chóstor Caverns and the mysterious Gélten Pass;
  • the Mólker Hills and Gélter Hills, which flank the Gélten range on north and south;
  • the bandit-plagued Médren Pass on the road between Tázela and Zýna thranáal in Lédenheim; and
  • Thánhelig, a Sárajìnian religious holding in northeast Géltheim.

An index (provided as both a text PDF file and an Excel data file) includes notes and data for every named location on the map.

SHKN-H5 cartography by N. Robin Crossby, Ken Snellings and Robert B. Schmunk. Notes and data by Jeremy Baker, Robert B. Schmunk and N. Robin Crossby.