Atlas Keléstia - SHKN H6 (Vârkenheim)

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Multi-layered PDF map and detailed index for Atlas Keléstia square SHKN-H6 (Vârkenheim).

The area of SHKN-H6 is located on the coast of southern Hârbáal and includes all of the settled parts of the kingdom of Ánvâl and of Sówidh thranáal in Géltheim.

Locations on map SHKN-H6 include:

  • Sówidh - chief settlement of the eastern thranáal of the kingdom of Géltheim. It was once the centre of the 'Sówidh Fire Cult', a sect incorrectly presumed to have been extinguished during clan Gelt's conquest of Sówidh six score years ago.
  • Vârkenheim - location of the largest shipyards of southern Hârbáal, and the major urban centre of the southern sub-kingdoms, It would dominate the region if not for the rising influence of Chélemby. Vârkenheim is the seat of King Holéni III, widely perceived as paranoid, devious, and capricious.
  • Xêradyn - castle and eastern thranáal of the Kingdom of Ánvâl, headed by the King's honourable brother, Mâkas. Xêradyn was formerly capital of a mixed Járind/Ivínan kingdom, famous for the ancient peaceful 'concilliation' that formed it.
  • 80 Hârbáaler freeholds, and many minor villages, the bulk in them in the thranáalen of Sówidh, Vârkenheim, and Xêradyn but also including a handful in Géltheim's Gelt thranáal and Lédenheim's Héredon thranáal.
  • Sówîr River Goldfield - one of the few major sources of gold in the region and jealously guarded by the kings of Géltheim. Local lords resent the independence of the miners who operate here.
  • the Hándhach - an extensive area of barrows and a major henge site on the hills between Gélthiem and Ánvâl, and also the site of the culminating battle of the Gélter-Ánvâller war a century ago.
  • Aéstinèthwy, Dâfidhsten and the Arestôrdè Sten - old Járind standing stones scattered along the coast of Ánvâl and Géltheim.
  • Ôrthahus - a minor Láranian abbey in southwestern Lédenheim.
  • Gemôro River - a large river which rises in the Hârbáaler Alps and divides Ánvâl into its two halves.
  • Môrkvand Bay - large enclosed bay at the mouth of the Xêrad River, upon which Xêradyn is located.

An index (provided as both a text PDF file and an Excel data file) includes notes and data for every named location on the map.

SHKN-H6 cartography by N. Robin Crossby, Ken Snellings and Robert B. Schmunk. Notes and data by Jeremy Baker, Robert B. Schmunk and N. Robin Crossby.