Atlas Keléstia - SHKN K6 (Tîrgólis)
Multi-layered PDF map and detailed index for Atlas Keléstia square SHKN-K6 (Tîrgólis).
The area of SHKN-K6 is located near the mouth of the Tîrga River and includes parts of the Shôrkýni county of Aneóla, the Hârbáaler kingdom of Lédenheim, and southwestern Huriséa.
Locations on map SHKN-K6 include:
- Tîrgólis castle and town, centre of Shôrkýnè's northeasternmost barony; which includes
- Bôron, one of the most prominent abbeys of the Laránian Order of the Wonders of Tírithôr and also a garrison of the Order of the Right Hand of Ôrthas; and
- 18 manors, whose holders are variously divided in their support for the weak baron of Tîrgólis and his more competent brothers; while across
- the mighty Tîrga River, the great route into the heart of the continent; are located the
- Yârlihem Járind folk settlements on the southeasternmost parts of the Hârbáaler kingdom of Lédenheim; on the verge of
- the Ántiag marshlands, a wide area of wetlands at the mouth of the Tîrga and seasonal home to wandering Quârphic tribal folk; plus
- the southwest of the region of Huriséa; including
- the Pôrgon Hills, in which lies the ancient henge called Kêledhsyn;
- the Huriséan Sýmem holdings along the Tyârgha River bordering Lédenheim; but more importantly
- the southwestern reaches of the Huriséan principality of Ogéned; including
- the island town of Ýlas, a secondary gateway to Huriséa much afflicted by movements of the Tîrga.
An index (provided as both a text PDF file and an Excel data file) includes notes and data for every named location on the map.
SHKN-K6 cartography by N. Robin Crossby, Ken Snellings, and Robert B. Schmunk. Location notes and data by Robert B. Schmunk, Jeremy Baker, and N. Robin Crossby.
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