Atlas Keléstia - SHKN L6 (Gadélken)
Are not these woods more free from peril?
Multi-layered PDF map and detailed index for Atlas Keléstia square SHKN-L6 (Gadélken).
The area of SHKN-L6 is located in southern Huriséa. The region is mostly wilderness ranged by Kádelin Quârphic tribal folk, but it includes more than a dozen manors along the Tîrga and Gadél rivers, most of them within the Huriséan principality of Ogéned.
Locations on map SHKN-L6 include:
- Gadélken - once the seat of a minor Huriséan principality, but now reduced to the centre of four holdings in southernmost Ogéned.
- Gârsfrim - a fort just across the river from Gadélken, established decades ago by the governor of Gîlend county in Istebínia to stake claim to lands on the upper Gadél River. Today the fort struggles to watch and control the Kádelin Quârph folk migrating south into Istebínia.
- Ogéned holdings on the Tîrga - seven smallholds conquered by clan Gávârines during TR705-708.
- Pôrgomas - holding on the west bank of the Tîrga struggling and failing to retain its influence.
- Yôln River - headwaters of a long river through southern Huriséa. Quârphic tribal villages in the area are emptying out because of fear that the influence of 'skin walkers' (evil shamans) has returned.
- Urýdsis - one of several ruins in the area, the remnants of small holds and villages sacked over the decades. Amongst these, Urýdsis is the most feared and avoided for being haunted.
The SHKN-L6 index is 6 pages long and includes notes and data for 56 named locations. The index is also available as an Excel data file.
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