Atlas Keléstia - SHKN M1 (Péndor)

Price: $3.50

Multi-layered PDF map and detailed index for Atlas Keléstia square SHKN-M1 (Péndor).

The area of SHKN-M1 is located in the northern Hârbáaler Alps and includes the headwaters of the Dénsey River in the wilderness of Hlen thranáal.

Locations on map SHKN-M1 include:

  • Mt. Péndor - A massive peak at the joining of several ridges. Often described as resembling a bear, it is flanked on the west and north by the upper valley of the Denséy River and on the east by Kúltes Lake.
  • Mt. Odégel - The central peak of a sharp ridge. In recent years, the lesser summits to its west and east it have become home to cotes of wyverns.
  • Bovóni Pass - The high point on the rough traders' trail that connects Bôrin [L1] on the Hârbáaler coast to Hlen [M2] in southern Járenmark.
  • Wúna Pass and Kúltes Pass - Two remote trails that may be used by the Forest Álti folk as they travel from one wilderness basin to another. Both routes are threatened by wyverns.
  • Álti settlements - Three encampments in the Denséy valley that are home to some of the forest folk. The tribesmen are much troubled these days: those to the north by wyverns, those to the south by the words of the 'wonder worker' Índan.

An index (provided as both a text PDF file and an Excel data file) includes notes and data for every named location on the map.

SHKN-M1 cartography by N. Robin Crossby, Ken Snellings, and Robert B. Schmunk. Location notes and data by Robert B. Schmunk.