Atlas Keléstia - SHKN M3 (Fîgend)

Price: $5.00

The forest walks are wide and spacious…

Issue #48 of Atlas Keléstia includes a multi-layered PDF map and detailed index of square SHKN-M3 (Fîgend) on the Shôrkýnè regional map.

The mapped area lies in northern Huriséa. It is seemingly underpopulated wilderness roamed by Quârphic and Álti tribesmen, as well as Járenmarkers from the north and Huriséans from the south trading in furs, pelts, timber, and more.

Two settled areas mark the extension of clan Pélstrom south from Járenmark along the Denséy River and toward central Huriséa. In the south, Fîgend is led by an able but nervous man, while in the north his kinsman at Únten seems ignorant of the region’s underlying disquiet.

Relations between the tribal folk and traders are intermittently peaceful, with fighting near Fîgend two summers past marking the most recent serious conflict. Relations between Quârph and Álti are always mixed, calm in some places but hostile in others. Complicating matters are the reports of a tribal shaman raising tensions between Álti and Járenmarkers north of Únten.

The region has its mysteries, perhaps the most curious being the caverns at Hílsuven, guarded by the Álti. But there are tales that the region was laid waste decades ago by a 'falling star'.

No matter how apparently quiet at present, history has shown that brutal conflict can erupt in the Huriséa wilderness with little or no warning. The ruins of past forts and trading posts—Ázleghil, Démbray, Húgeskel, and others—only emphasize that. Even so, the head of the new post at Síldgâlen seems intent at provoking trouble.

The SHKN-M3 index is 8+ pages long and includes notes and data for 65 named locations. The index is also available as an Excel data file.

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