Atlas Keléstia - TRZN B2 (Âlwin)
Multi-layered PDF map and detailed index for Atlas Keléstia square TRZN B2 (Âlwin). This issue's index is 50 pages long, and includes data for more than 420 entries. It is our most complex Atlas Keléstia issue yet.
This issue of Atlas Keléstia covers the Kingdom of Emélrenè's Âlwìna Shire and a number of surrounding areas. Âlwìna Shire is Emélrenè’s most populous and lies at the heart of the kingdom. Âlwin city is the second largest urban centre of the realm and jealously guards its rights and privileges. The ancient castle of Modána and thirteen keeps are also found in this area.
Most of the great clans of the realm hold lands here. Three of the great clans with seats in the region are in danger of ‘extinction’ due to small sizes, but in all cases, there are sub-clans with an interest in the outcome. The region is also the home of one of the clans descended from the old royal house, with associated tensions.
Other ancient tensions continue in the Môrtellyn Hundred, a region inhabited by clans with links to the area’s dark past. Nearby in the Léngardhel hills, brigandage is a growing problem, drawn by the gem mining in the region.
But most alarming is the ‘awakening’ of almost all of the Ethereal Zones (Laellyn) in the region, and the growing number of strange sightings, incidents and creatures in the area. The Émhlè rangers and the Laránian Order of the Lion Banner are both increasingly stretched to respond to these issues.
Some of the key locations on this map include:
- Âlwin city - Emélrenè's second largest urban centre, at the mouth of the Kíbler river.
- Módana Castle - the seat of the Málnîr (Earl) of Kíbler, Élbaroth alrí Parthánè. The castle is a massive and partially crumbling complex, with a dark past.
- Kádigen Keep - where the Sheriff of Âlwìna is based, overseeing Emélrenè's most populous shire.
- Dérnel Keep - a keep across the Kíbler river from Âlwin, where the Duke of Jerinál prefers to stay when visiting the city.
- Bíse Keep - holding of Baroness Érbin, who seeks a consort to continue her line.
- Esóde Keep - held by Baron Lángwyn, and the site of an ancient Emélan tribal moot. One of the Baron's vassals is Lord Órchaid, the 'prince-in-exile' of Lôrkin, Hârn.
- Fôrin Keep - the holding of Baron Pânir-na-Fôrin, who faces difficulties due to an investment in a flooded marble quarry.
- Mîrod Keep - the seat of Baron Panîr-na-Mîrod, a distant relative of the Baron of Fôrin and the Earl of Módan.
- Hímena Keep - an isolated keep in the western reaches of the Shire, now held by Baroness Myrll since the untimely death of her husband. The local nobility is suspicious of the Baroness and her motives.
- Ymôre Abbey - an important abbey of the Order of the Silver Crown, held from the Earl of Nyan.
- Léngis Keep - held by a governor for the Earl of Quándas, the region is rich in gem mines and is also troubled by brigands.
- Quódra Keep - a notorious fort for cultic worshippers of Vanáer during the Time of Darkness, a governor now oversees this region for the Earl of Nyan.
- Shélegè Keep - an isolated keep near an area of increased ethereal activity, held by a governor for the Earl of Negáros.
- Gínvè Keep - a coastal keep near the mouth of the Kíbler river, held by a governor for the Earl of Malád.
- Besánè Keep - an inland keep west of the road south from Âlwin, held by a governor for the Earl of Quándas. The Earl favours it as one of his retreats.
- Wháelyn Âren - an Émhlè range in the western hills of the Shire, with a number of increasingly active Ethereal Zones. Strange creatures - including the 'Dómôrsèr' or 'Nightcrawler' are causing great concern to nearby settlements.
- Lýdhradys - an Émhlè range which is almost entirely enveloped in a Fývrian ethereal zone which dramatically increases the fertility of all that lives there. Also the location of the Aúld Hârdhi burial grounds, where some of the early rulers of ancient Berémah are said to be buried.
- Úshâr Tísen - a hunting chase north of Shélegè, currently avoided due to strange creatures seen in Úshâr lake. Nearby are the Úshâr Hârdhi burial grounds, said to date from the Time of Darkness.
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