Harn PbP

Stormhound, 13 Jun 2010, 07:49 AM
I'm trying to drum up some interest for a Harn-based PbP, preferably using the HMG rules. If there's anyone around here who might be into such a creature, you can find out more over at this site on its forum (look under the "I want to play" board).
Not sure I would have the
Not sure I would have the time for a PbP game but if you hear anyone doing a game using a VTT I could definitely go for something like that.
I am certainly interested (and have posted on that forum).
Forgive my ignorance, but while I understand PBEM, what does PbP mean?
Answered over there, but just
Answered over there, but just in case anyone else is curious: Play by Post. Basically, each campaign gets its own message board section, and the entire thing is conducted by posting messages back and forth, some public, some private (depending on the nature of what's going on). It gets very heavy into description and role-play, and people can take time crafting responses instead of everything being on the fly.
Another player interested
I posted over there as well. I would definitely be up for a game. I've been a DM for the better part of 30+ years with very little "player" time. I would love to get involved in a game from that side of the tale, especially using HM.
Count me in. Do I sign up on
Count me in. Do I sign up on the realroleplaying site or is the game being played elsewhere? Let me know!
- Q
where to sign up
Yes, you sign up on the realroleplaying website.
Hope to see you there soon.
Any further word on this?
Anyone heard if this thing is still moving forward?
I hope this is progressing
Last I heard the GM was going to work on the campaign
I haven't heard anything for a while
HarnMaster based Play by Post
Yes, I am necro'ing this thread. It appears that the previous attempt died off shortly after being announced however, I have decided to try and retart the game attempt.
I am willing to step up as GM although honestly. in all my GM years, I have never GM'ed a straight HarnMaster game before, just used the Harn materials in other systems.
If anyone is interested, the conversation is over at Real Roleplaying here: http://www.realroleplaying.com/rmsmf/index.php?topic=8062.0.