Empty Files section

Hi there!
I've been away for quite some time from this site but checked in today and saw that there was an update to Chelemby City which I purchased around the time it was released.
Imagine my surprise when I logged in and found my Files section completely empty! Is there a time limit for the pruchased files or has something gone really wrong with my account?
It's not that big a deal as I have all my Kelestia purchases safe and sound on PC and backup, but it would be nice to download these updates and especially know what may have happened!
Kind regards,
There is no download limit
Hi Henrik
There is no download limit, but when we upgraded the website, some files did not transfer over properly.
I have reinstated your ability to download the Chélemby files.
Regards and thanks
I have the same trouble need my files replaced. I lost the files when I got a new computer
All the files you have ordered are now available to download.
Some customers files lists were not maintained when we transitioned to a new system a few years ago; if you have any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Empty files
I think i have same problem i still have my shorkyne interactive map in files section but cant find the Venârivè: Northwestern Lýthia module.
Empty Files
I purchased a bunch of products including down loads. Are the down loads supposed to be available right away? My file and download boxes are empty. Also my purchased box is also empty. I have an electronic receipt on my gmail account listing my purchased items etc and the order number. Anyone else had (have) this problem?
Files available
Hi Merouan,
Thanks for your purchase. Your files should now be available to you. Apologies for the delay.
Hey Ken,
Thank you very much for sorting that out for me. Great service and excellent products!