Venarive Map

Eduardo, 20 Jan 2020, 11:34 AM
Hi, simple question:
-Is the Venarive Map product ( the same we get in the Venarive: Northwestern Lýthia module?
Hi, simple question:
-Is the Venarive Map product ( the same we get in the Venarive: Northwestern Lýthia module?
Venarive Maps
The Venarive Map product contains more advanced versions of the ones from the Venarive module.
The zip file for the Venarive module contains the map PDFs VenariveMap_100 and VenariveMap_SingleLayer_100, and the Venarive Map module contains the PDF maps VenariveMap_110 and VenariveMap_110_SL, along with two JPG maps, Venarive-Textured-Base and Venarive_Textured_Grey_Base beyond that.
So the maps you get when you purchase the Venarive module are fine for the module, but beside that, the Venarive map module allows you to look beyond those other maps. You can get the best of both worlds if you buy both - but if you buy the Venarive module alone, the accompanying maps give you everything you need, while the Venarive map module gives you all of that, and yet more.
Nice. Thanks.
Nice. Thanks.