Earthmaster Sites on Continental Venârivè

Alex Greene's picture

Are there any plans to look into the various Earthmaster sites on continental Venârivè with the same level of detail as some of the Earthmaster sites on Hârn such as Telumar and Anisha?

pokep's picture

I haven't heard of any work being done on sites outside Emelrene.

Fastred's picture

There has been some work done on Emélrenè sites.

pédhgobàidh (best wishes),

Fástred na Beréma.

Alex Greene's picture

I've been collecting references to the Earthmaster sites in the various modules in my possession. So far, here's what I have found listed.
Ábrelyn, earthmaster site (Emélrenè)
Anísha, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Aráka-Kalái, special site, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Ázadmêre, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Bejíst, special site, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Chérafîr, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Chiâfra, earthmaster site (Mafán: Chifâr)
Clagédè, earthmaster site, henge, center of the Savorya-aspected Clágdyn-Lællyn Laellyn zone (Emélrenè)
Dínibôr, earthmaster site (Chélemby)
Dívcheran, earthmaster site (Lánkor)
Ekáldarin, earthmaster / henge site (Tríerzòn)
Elkáll-Anùz, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Êrdar, earthmaster site (Ûmélria / Ketârh)
Gedân, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Hârhakeim, earthmaster site (Ivínia, Kuzjêra)
Hléjis, earthmaster site (Hârbáal)
Íljânes / Lankôrium, earthmaster site (Lánkor)
Imêrùva, earthmaster site (Shôrkýnè: Loála)
Kiráz, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Kóndasgel, earthmaster site (Ivínia, Kuzjêra)
Kôrkorum, earthmaster site (Ivínia)
Léios, earthmaster site (Karéjia)
Marúchom, earthmaster site (Ivínia, Lókis)
Pesíno, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Rídow, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Saoqar, earthmaster site (Byria)
Télumâr, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Tésien, earthmaster site (Hârn)
Úlaia, earthmaster site (Hèpekéria)
Xêrtu, earthmaster site, possible airmaster site (Emélrenè)
Xmíen, earthmaster site (Hèpekéria)
Xyrýam, earthmaster site (Ivínia)
Yaélarhondè, earthmaster site (Ûmélria)

Balesir's picture

I think you can add Ábrelyn (Emélrenè) to that list; both it and Xêrtu are expanded upon in the Emélrenè module (and Xêrtu is noted as possibly an Airmaster, rather than an Earthmaster site).

pokep's picture

Add Saoqar, Byria.

Unless it's just a really deep hole. Which is possible, but not particularly romantic.