Notes on Using Harnic Tarot

Alex Greene's picture

I've been working on expanding knowledge of the Harnic Tarot, and recently I created a spreadsheet which allows me to categorise the Major Arcana by convocation, element, season, meaning, and even sunsign.

An example, the Majors which are associated with the deities of the Harnic Pantheon:-

Deity Card Convocation Sunsign Aspect Meaning
Ágrik The Wyrm Pèleáhn Áhnù Ascending dormant
Ágrik The City Pèleáhn Áhnù Ascending transience
Ágrik The Pyre Pèleáhn Áhnù Ascending transformation, renewal
Ágrik The Wyrm Pèleáhn Angberélius Zenith dormant
Ágrik The City Pèleáhn Angberélius Zenith transience
Ágrik The Pyre Pèleáhn Angberélius Zenith transformation, renewal
Ágrik The Wyrm Pèleáhn Nadái Descending dormant
Ágrik The City Pèleáhn Nadái Descending transience
Ágrik The Pyre Pèleáhn Nadái Descending transformation, renewal
Agrik/Ilvîr The Serpent Pèleáhn Áhnù Ascending twisted plots
Agrik/Ilvîr The Serpent Pèleáhn Angberélius Zenith twisted plots
Agrik/Ilvîr The Serpent Pèleáhn Nadái Descending twisted plots
Haléa The Prince Fývria Ùlándus Zenith wealth, lust, gluttony
Haléa The Prince Fývria Arálius Descending wealth, lust, gluttony
Haléa The Sleepers Lyáhvi Nadái Ascending wealth, lust, gluttony
Haléa The Sleepers Lyáhvi Hîrin Zenith wealth, lust, gluttony
Haléa The Sleepers Lyáhvi Táraèl Descending wealth, lust, gluttony
Haléa The Prince Fývria Ládo Ascending wealth, lust, gluttony
Laráni Escutcheon Jmôrvi Arálius Ascending strength of cause
Laráni Escutcheon Jmôrvi Fenéri Zenith strength of cause
Laráni Bannerbearer Pèleáhn Áhnù Ascending just cause
Laráni Escutcheon Jmôrvi Áhnù Descending strength of cause
Laráni Bannerbearer Pèleáhn Angberélius Zenith just cause
Laráni Bannerbearer Pèleáhn Nadái Descending just cause
Môrgath The Abyss Odívshè Skôrus Ascending the unknown
Môrgath The Shadow Odívshè Skôrus Ascending deterrence
Môrgath The Abyss Odívshè Masâra Zenith the unknown
Môrgath The Shadow Odívshè Masâra Zenith deterrence
Môrgath The Abyss Odívshè Ládo Descending the unknown
Môrgath The Shadow Odívshè Ládo Descending deterrence
Návèh/Dekéjis The Cat Odívshè Skôrus Ascending cunning, grace, twisted plots, seek hidden essence
Návèh/Dekéjis The Cat Odívshè Masâra Zenith
Návèh/Dekéjis The Cat Odívshè Ládo Descending
Peóni The Healer Fývria Ùlándus Zenith hope, healing, recovery
Peóni The Lovers Fývria Ùlándus Zenith love, companionship
Peóni The Healer Fývria Arálius Descending hope, healing, recovery
Peóni The Lovers Fývria Arálius Descending love, companionship
Peóni Nólomàr Lyáhvi Nadái Ascending hope, healing, recovery
Peóni Salamander Lyáhvi Nadái Ascending love, companionship
Peóni Nólomàr Lyáhvi Hîrin Zenith hope, healing, recovery
Peóni Salamander Lyáhvi Hîrin Zenith love, companionship
Peóni Nólomàr Lyáhvi Táraèl Descending hope, healing, recovery
Peóni Salamander Lyáhvi Táraèl Descending love, companionship
Peóni The Healer Fývria Ládo Ascending hope, healing, recovery
Peóni The Lovers Fývria Ládo Ascending love, companionship
Sárajìn The Wolf Jmôrvi Arálius Ascending watchfulness
Sárajìn The Wolf Jmôrvi Fenéri Zenith watchfulness
Sárajìn The Wolf Jmôrvi Áhnù Descending watchfulness
Sàve–K'nôr The Fool Sàvôrya Táraèl Ascending adventure
Sàve–K'nôr The Sage Sàvôrya Táraèl Ascending age, wisdom, humour
Sàve–K'nôr The Fool Sàvôrya Tái Zenith adventure
Sàve–K'nôr The Sage Sàvôrya Tái Zenith age, wisdom, humour
Sàve–K'nôr The Fool Sàvôrya Skôrus Descending adventure
Sàve–K'nôr The Sage Sàvôrya Skôrus Descending age, wisdom, humour
Siém The Harp Jmôrvi Arálius Ascending artistry, timing
Siém The Harp Jmôrvi Fenéri Zenith artistry, timing
Siém The Harp Jmôrvi Áhnù Descending artistry, timing

Alex Greene's picture

Here's what happens when I reconfigure the rows to lead with meanings, and remove duplicate lines.

Meaning : Card : Convoc. : Suit : Element : Season
a new task : The Initiate : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
adventure : The Fool : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
age : The Sage : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
artifice : The Lock : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
artistry : The Harp : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
balance : Equilibrium : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
beginnings : The Initiate : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
companionship : Salamander : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
companionship : The Lovers : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
complexity : The Lock : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
control : The Chain : Pèleáhn : Flames : Fire : Summer
craft : Wealth : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
craft : The Mason : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
cunning : The Cat : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
deterrence : The Shadow : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
dormant : The Wyrm : Pèleáhn : Flames : Fire : Summer
escape : The Chain : Pèleáhn : Flames : Fire : Summer
faith : Aves : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
faith : The Dog : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
grace : The Cat : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
healing : Nólomàr : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
healing : The Healer : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
hidden assets : The Smith : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
hope : Nólomàr : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
hope : The Healer : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
humility : Wealth : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
humour : The Sage : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
imagination : Wealth : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
imagination : The Mason : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
inev. cycles : The Magician : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
inev. cycles : The Boughs : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
just cause : Bannerbearer : Pèleáhn : Flames : Fire : Summer
love : Salamander : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
love : The Lovers : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
lust : The Sleepers : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
lust : The Prince : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
news : The Scribe : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
nourishment : Cornucopia : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
patience : The Ocean : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
peace : The Lady : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
penetration : Potence : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
power : The Smith : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
recovery : Nólomàr : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
recovery : The Healer : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
renewal : The Pyre : Pèleáhn : Flames : Fire : Summer
resistance : Potence : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
satisfaction : Cornucopia : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
seek essence : The Eye : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
seek essence : The Cat : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
stillness : The Lady : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
strength : The Ocean : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
strength : Potence : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
str. of cause : Escutcheon : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
the unknown : The Abyss : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
timing : The Harp : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
transformation : The Pyre : Pèleáhn : Flames : Fire : Summer
transience : The City : Pèleáhn : Flames : Fire : Summer
trust : Aves : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
trust : The Dog : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
twisted plots : The Serpent : Pèleáhn : Flames : Fire : Summer
twisted plots : The Cat : Odívshè : Cups : Water : Winter
useful info : The Scribe : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
watchfulness : The Wolf : Jmôrvi : Swords : Metal : Late Spring
wealth : The Sleepers : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
wealth : The Prince : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
wisdom : The Sage : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn
wisdom : Wealth : Lyáhvi : Pentacles : Air : Autumn
wisdom : The Mason : Fývria : Wands : Earth : Spring
wisdom : Equilibrium : Sàvôrya : Scrolls : Aura : Late Autumn

ken's picture

Very nice. Have you used the tarot in your gaming?

Alex Greene's picture

I have.

Apart from having a Savoryan use her Tarotry skill a few times for pointers, I drew up a few cards in a spread in one game, over Zoom, and let them lead the players' decisions. They felt that they'd been forewarned to expect things to happen in an episode, so when they met an Agrikan party they looked at one another knowingly because I'd drawn one of the cards related to Agrik.

The Harnic Tarot made it feel as if they had actually been there, turning an imagined experience into something more akin to a lived one.

Balesir's picture

Did you select the cards in the spread, or did you just draw them?

Alex Greene's picture

I actually drew them randomly, and laid them out in what I called the Genin Spread, six Houses each with two cards, and the Significator in the centre.

Pick a Significator to represent the Querent, and place it in the centre. Shuffle and draw a card face down to lay across it. Shuffle again and draw twelve cards and lay them face down around the Significator, starting in the North, then Northeast, Southeast, South, Southwest, and then Northwest. Those are the Overt cards, depicting that which the Querent perceives.

Next, shuffle again, and lay down a card face down inside the Northwest card, then the SW card, S, SE, NE, and finally North card.

When turning over the cards, begin by turning over the North card, then NE, SE, S, SW and NW cards to produce the Overt reading - that which will be within the Querent's perceptions and control.

Follow that by turning over the inner cards, starting with the NW and going widdershins back to the North card. This is the Shadow reading - those forces and agents which will be beyond the Querent's perceptions or control.

Centre: Significator - the Querent
Cross: Querent's Shadow
N: Outer: Current Situation
Inner: Shadow Factors
NE: Outer: Problem
Inner: Shadow Problem
SE: Outer: Root of Problem (Cause)
Inner: Shadow Root (usually, a person or being)
S: Outer: Solution
Inner: Risks
SW: Outer: Desired Change
Inner: Secret Desire
NW: Outer: Outcome
Inner: Shadow Outcome

Balesir's picture

OK, so a hexal spread as described in the article, but developed with "shadow" elements - nice.