Arrows, Bolts, and Pin Cushions

dmmilner's picture

Silly question, but not really. If an arrow/bolt scores an S3+, it is considered IMPALED. For game purposes, isn't it fair to say almost all arrow/bolts that wound are stuck inside a person to some degree (maybe not M1's), but IMPALED is a game classification that requires surgical removal, as opposed to just ripping the darn thing out, right?

Or are we saying that if it's not S3+, then it's not sticking out of someone?

McBard's picture

Arrows and bolts that inflict M1 and S2 injuries are not impaled, either glancing/grazing (M1) or perhaps briefly impaling but not remaining stuck (S2). Those that inflict S3 or greater injuries are impaled and require the Extraction treatment (with S3 extractions being slightly easier according to the page 180 table).

You could explore several optional rules that come to mind:

1) special impairment from the protruding projectile (the "I catch my protruding arrow on the door knob" rule). Perhaps it causes some sort of Shock Roll?

2) Special bleeding "rechecks" for certain movement while suffering a broadhead impalement. Thus, an S3 projectile that wasn't originally a bleeder might require a reroll of the causal impact to check once again for bleeding if the victim Moves, or Double Moves...or falls down. This option is trying to dial in the "what kills the deer from the impaled arrow is that it runs off, exacerbating or causing its lethal bleeding injury" idea.

3) Extend the concept of Impalement to spears and the like. This is a rule that fairly deserved RAW or Advice & Options treatment, but didn't get it. I believe RuneQuest has always had a rule for it...

Balesir's picture

You could actually extend that (3) rule to any weapon that makes a P impact pretty fairly. That deep an impact might 'stick' in most cases, although with melee weapons you should usually get an immediate chance to yank it out straight away - maybe an STR roll against a resistance depending on the severity of the wound?