More of a 1668 Vibe

Warden, 29 Jan 2025, 06:52 AM
The only reason I chose 1668 is because that's when 7th Sea 2nd Ed is set.
Is there a recommended location to GM a campaign based on our cultural/technological mid-17th century? I'm thinking Three Musketeers, Honor & Intrigue, flintlocks, and a general swashbuckling theme.
Kethiran societies aren't
Kethiran societies aren't evolved beyond the technology level of 14th century medieval Europe. So while functional gunpowder and renaissance-style weapons don't exist on Kethira, other important 7th Sea elements like (political) intrigue and piracy can absolutely be found in many places.
Karejia would probably be the best fit for both and is also culturally quasi-mediterranean. For piracy-focused adventures, Thonia and northern Anzeloria would also be reasonable choices (both sub-tropical locales and certainly suitable for a "Carribean" flair), and even the more northern and viking-style Chelemby sees a lot of intrigue and pirate activity.
The Venarive module is a general recommendation as it gives a great overview of all the realms and regions of western Lythia.
Sounds good, thanks for the
Sounds good, thanks for the reply