New Map Squares?

Alex Greene's picture

Any new Atlas Kelestia map squares planned for 2020?

Fastred's picture

Yes, a couple are in production.

Gmad's picture

Hello there, are you still planning making map squares ?

I would love to see the map squares J8, K8 and L5, M5


McBard's picture

Yes, no doubt--still planning to do map squares. We'd like to see through a couple of major releases first—but I'll certainly make note of those SHKN requests.

Walt McAtee

Puster's picture

J8, K8 and L5, M5 - interesting choice. Do you mind if I ask why these?

The above map should highlight all squares currently available. Please inform me if I missed one.
As we see there are just seven missing to map the whole coast of Shorkyne, and 8 for Harbaal - of which 3 are largely empty.
Of these, G4 is a glaring gap on the Harbaal coast - together with the two island maps it would almost complete the western coast.
CX would complete the northern Emelrene coast and nicely go with the kingdom module.

Pesonally I would like K3/L3, for my Hlejis Fanon (not much there but mountains, perhaps a "low hanging fruit") and J2 for its connection to civilization, though that may be quite some work.

Gmad's picture

My choice of J8, K8,and L5, M5 it's because of a campaign around the Gavarines Clan, J8, K8 the Esuars of Montelea, Heteshones, Haleon, Jandrath, Afeda and Mirate. The L5, M5 their lands on Hurisea region L5 the Principality of Ogéned held by Governor Hastin Gavarines, and M5 Major Hurisea Principalities for the campaign itself those are top choices.

But if you ask me i would like to see more on Hurisea, Quârphor, the Grand Principality of Lankor and Palithane.

I was also making a fandom on the Edrwyn Islands but my pc crashed with a short circuit (had to buy a new one) and my work (many hours and days) on the various islands that was going well went to the garbage......


Puster's picture

Thanks for the info. Makes sense. We are all a bit egoistic sorting out the priorities to our needs :-)

>my pc crashed
Oh man, I can feel with you here.
I similarly lost a good progress on my Haltinan-article and did not found the energy to rewrite it since. Just the textfiles survived...

rbs's picture

It's been yonks and maybe you're no longer running a campaign, Gmad, but…

Squares J8 and K8 are being examined for development in the foreseeable future. Do you have clan names and place names that you would like to suggest be used? Perhaps some clan feuds and/or other intriguing plot points?

K8 is more flexible. Although there is less work already done on the map, there is presumably less data to write up about the locations there (i.e., many fewer manors). Although describing the horrors of the Chaléo Hills might take a page or two. (Don't ask us about the Tílame Mountains.)

J8 info can be manipulated, but the amount of manor write-up means it's farther away from possible publication.