
Sometimes we make mistakes. Sometimes we have ideas of how to improve aspects of already released products. In this category, you can find our corrections and improvements.

Emélrenè - Class, Ethnicity & Religious Affiliation

Provides information on the social class, ethnicity and religious affiliations of the people of Emélrenè.

Updated table from Kingdom of Emélrenè, updated to clarify a number of matters that were not as clear as they could be, and fix a typo relating to a percentage figure.

HârnMaster Gold Combat Tables 2010 (version 2)

Corrects errors in the HârnMaster Gold Combat Tables, including:

- corrects the error with Defence Classes (page 133)
- missing Tower Shield column in the Weapon Comparison Table (page 133)
- missing Battleaxe entry in Attack Class 4 (page 133)
- corrects the column shift for missile attacks (page 137)
- adds the missing Passive Cover Guide (page 138)
- fixes several typos on other pages (133-137)

Copies of HârnMaster Gold Player Edition downloaded after 26 September 2010 include these corrections. These tables may be downloaded separately here, or redownloaded as part of the full product.

HârnMaster Gold Weapon Data Tables 2010 (version 2)

Corrects errors in the HârnMaster Gold Weapon Data Tables (pages 139-141).

The table now correctly identifies the Attack and Defence Class of HârnMaster Gold weapons.

Versions of HârnMaster Gold Player Edition downloaded after 26 September 2010 include these changes. A copy of this table may be downloaded separately here, or redownloaded as part of the full product.

Venârivè Errata 1.01

We have made a number of small fixes and clarifications to the first version of Venârivè, based on useful feedback from customers.

These have been incorporated into a new version of the Venârivè product (version 1.01). If you have an earlier version, you can download the updated version for free. This is included in an updated “” file, which is available to all those who have previously purchased this product. To access the updated module, follow these steps:

  • Log in at
  • Click on the “My account” link in your personal menu to the right.
  • Click on the “Files” tab.
  • Re-download the “” file by clicking on it (use “left-click”, not “right-click”).

Pages 11&19 of Kingdom of Chelemby (Corrected)

Kingdom of Chélemby v.1.0 Page 11: Téstrad was accidentally spelled Testad; Page 19: Ivârh was accidentally spelled Dávidh.

Update: 2005-04-19 1900GMT. (ZIP file with 2 PDF files)

Corrected Player Combat Profile (page 130)

HârnMaster 2.1 Gold page 130 (Combat Profile) Minor Correction: The "BEPFST" headings over the Weapon Profile section were not properly lined up with their columns.

Format: Replacement page (pdf) Effective date 2003-July-29 (downloads of the HârnMaster Player Edition after this date do not require this correction).