Falânia Gazetteer – Hèpekéria's Princes of Sand and Sail
Regional map and gazetteer of the southwestern region of Hèpekéria. Covers the lands of the Falânian Federation and of the Númec sub-nations of Íwil and Údan in the Great Western Erg.
Beyond the searing desert of Hèpekéria and the crashing shoals of the Elánas is Falânia. Here the rarest goods in the world are traded in dusty markets. Here by wits alone the enterprising trader can earn a fortune in a fortnight. But for every fortune made, a dozen lives are lost – ships founder in the treacherous waters, caravans lose themselves in the windswept sands, the greedy or unwary are devoured in the timeless, teeming cities.
This module includes an electronic map suitable for printing at 50 cm × 37.5 cm (20” × 15”). Data for over 50 geographical locations is provided. Brief articles supply additional insight into the people of Falânia.
This publication is part of the Atlas Venârivè Series, which supports Venârivè: Northwestern Lýthia.