HârnMaster: Roleplaying in the World of Kèthîra (PDF-only version)

Price: $30.00

Version Information: This is the digital PDF-only version of HMK. The PDF can be downloaded after purchase.

By Walt McAtee
PDF document
436 pages

This is the newest edition of the legendary HârnMaster role-playing game system, celebrated for its realism, attention to detail, and immersiveness. HârnMaster: Roleplaying in the World of Kèthîra (HMK) builds on the amazing foundation laid by N. Robin Crossby's original HârnMaster (1986) and HârnMaster Gold (1999/2003), keeps all that was already great, streamlines and tidies up a few parts for better usability and faster play, and expands and enriches several areas with more detail and more realistic mechanics.

HMK is the first edition of the game to fully take into account not only the island of Hârn but the whole of the world Kèthîra as a possible setting for role-playing adventures and campaigns. Whether you are planning to play on Hârn, on Hèpekéria, in one of the western-Lýthian mainland realms like Emélrenè, Palíthanè, or Ázeryàn, in the vast tropical lands of Anzelôria, in one of the eastern empires and kingdoms known collectively as Sánthrada or even on the far-away continents of Kámerand or Mêrnat -- HMK is the perfect system for the endeavor. Given the great flexibility of its rules, HMK can even be used for campaigns with a different setting than HârnWorld, for instance medieval Earth or a different fantasy world created by yourself or someone else.

Wherever you decide to play, the HMK rules manage to unify realism and ease-of-use into an elegant and versatile system, readily allowing players to suspend their disbelief and fully immerse themselves in the game world.

Here are some of HMK's key features:

  • Comprehensive rules, and an all-in-one book -- the publication to start your HârnWorld campaigns (character creation and development, skills, crafting, travel, combat, magic, religion, game mastering and campaign guidelines, bestiary).
  • 1d100 used for main dice rolls (incorporating four success levels and a new quick and elegant tie-break system).
  • Skill-based system with 70 distinct and fully described skills (including detailed rules for crafting and repairing items of various kinds).
  • Highly versatile character creation system, producing believable and multifaceted characters (with lots of options for players and GMs to account for campaign requirements and specifics—and ways to incorporate certain rules of previous editions).
  • Customizable, flexible, and realistic advancement system, allowing for both a learning-by-doing and an experience point method (to fit the group's taste).
  • Highly realistic, yet easy-to-use combat and injury rules (introducing the new Zone Die mechanic to unify aiming rules with better simulation of small and large creature combatants).
  • Broad selection of medieval weapons and armor, each item with full game statistics and visual depiction (realistic layering of zone-specific armor; updates from more recent historical research concerning bows and certain armor material).
  • Very detailed, sophisticated, and immersive rules for magic and other paranormal practices, covering the three main areas of Arcane, Astral, and Divine Mysteries (including a first-time implementation of unique Shamanism rules; a more precious and subtle approach to miracles in light of the Concordat; as well as full rules for Alchemy, Astrology, Runecraft, and Tarotry).
  • An extensive Bestiary, describing a wide range of creatures that inhabit the world of Kèthîra (from typical NPCs and everyday animals to Gârgún, Ívashù, undead, and spirits, all the way up to dragons, elementals, demons, and other unique and fantastic beings).
  • Full of options, tools, and advice for gamemasters, helpful to both newcomers and veteran GMs and gaming groups.
  • Rich background information on various aspects of the world of Kèthîra, optimized for use in play and interesting to both players and GMs (complementing and extending the HârnWorld products released by Keléstia Production).

HMK is a huge milestone for the Hârn franchise. It is the beginning of a new era of Hârn products, more detailed and more beautiful than ever before and equally traditional and progressive. We are sure that both veteran Hârniacs and newcomers to Hârn will be fascinated by the inspiring possibilities for role-playing and adventure presented in this all-in-one rulebook. To experienced players, a lot will be familiar, while they will also discover a surprising amount of new material and updates. After the creation of the original HârnMaster in 1986, HMK now marks the single-biggest design step in the development of the HârnMaster line.

All is presented in a gorgeous new layout with hundreds of new illustrations, bringing the World of Hârn more to life than ever before. Despite the immense size of the book (436 pages), everything can be found quickly and directly, thanks to a well-structured and intuitive organization, a clear table of contents, and a comprehensive index, fully bookmarked in the PDF version.

We think that N. Robin Crossby's HârnMaster is among the finest role-playing systems ever created, and it lives on in this worthy new successor, combining the best of old and new ideas into what we think is the ideal version of the game. We hope you agree and will have an amazing time using HMK together with your friends and gaming buddies to explore HârnWorld.

See you on Kèthîra!