Hârbáaler Kingdom of Lédenheim

Price: $20.00

By Robert Schmunk and Jeremy Baker, with illustrations by Ganbat Badamkhand and Marc Grunert.
PDF document
58 pages (illustrated in color and black and white), including maps, poetic and otherwise.

The Kingdom of Lédenheim is the largest and wildest of the sub-kingdoms of the Great-Kingdom of Hârbáal, the great realm that dominates the northern Gulf of Shôrkýnè, and lies between that region and Ivínia. The Hârbáalers are a complex mixture of ancient Járind and more recent Ivínian settlers. The Great-Kingdom is relatively new, and there are ongoing debates about its future direction.

This module includes details on the geography, climate, history, current affairs, government, military forces, law, settlements, flora and fauna, economy, culture, religion, and folklore of Lédenheim.

Learn of the Lédensen Curse. Search for Hârl's legendary spear. Wonder at the Witch of the Shârl.

On the edge of the wild, the Kingdom of Lédenheim awaits.


A preview of this product is available for free download here.

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