
Stories from the World of Hârn – to entertain, inspire, and educate.

Captain Márden's Tale: Part 4 - The Great City

Elýn RegionThe small boat made its way through tall reeds and waterways, which became progressively more open and less congested with weeds and plants as they went on.

Kélas paddled the boat from the rear, while Márden and Tárenis sat before him. It was a quiet, chilled autumn morning, and they moved swiftly through the water. They had risen early, and left the marshfolk village of Káis Alwás just after dawn. It was...

Captain Márden's Tale: Part 3 - A Desperate Flight

"We have to rest", said Tárenis, turning to his companion, Márden, as the two young men reached the pass of Kel Stûras, having ridden hard north across the barony of Néln, avoiding all contact with locals.

Their horses were exhausted, and the two young men were equally tired, not having halted since leaving the ford of Òdelýn. They had begun their journey early that morning, had slept little the night before, and had been travelling south on this same route only the day before....

Captain Márden's Tale: Part 2 - A House of Cards

Márden paced back and forth in his Lord's chamber, his mind racing. What had happened? Why was the constable, Sir Hâraden, concerned? And what did it all have to do with him?

Tárenis had tried to keep his friend calm, but given up. He sat, moodily, at the great table. He was just as perplexed as his companion.

Márden stopped pacing.

"What in all of Keléstia is all this about?" he fumed. "And why, of all things, has the constable locked you, my Lord's son, and I in these...

Captain Márden's Tale: Part 1 - A Noble Squire

Centaur“See, there... a fine goose..." whispered the young man to his companion.

The two were well dressed, in fine leathers and boots, but were hunkered low amongst tall reeds in the midst of a wide expanse of marshland that extended to the horizon.

Before them, on a stretch of open water, was a fine wild goose, hunting and searching for food in the margins. A cool autumn breeze blew gently across the pool...

Legends of Venârivè — The Centaurs of Lánkor


Jutting into the Gap of Lankor from the east is a range of high hills called the Melwy, an offshoot of the Tonatris Mountains. They have never been settled by man and only a few hunters and fur trappers now visit there, whilst timbermen and miners shun the area. The cause of this is that the hills are already claimed by a non-human (or partially human) race, the centaurs.

Most scholars regard...

Journey to Ábrelyn - Part V

Journey to Ábrelyn (a tale of Emélrenè) - Part V - the Holy One

After a night of deep, restful sleep, Kélroth was woken by the light through the high windows that ran along the southeast facing wall of the hall of rest. An attendant waiting at the end of the hall rose and provided him with clean robes, and a basin to wash. Once he was clean and dressed, a simple meal was provided, and soon Ohláren returned.

"Feeling better, young man?"

Kélroth nodded...

Journey to Ábrelyn - Part IV

Journey to Ábrelyn (a tale of Emélrenè) - Part IV - High Ábrelyn

Kélroth ran and ran. He ran till his lungs burned, his legs ached and he felt his heart would near give out.

He ran from the cries, the deep-dark-falling-pit of horror that lay behind him. On and on, up and up, along the narrow winding trail, around stands of rocks, down vale and up over ridges.

Until. Until he could run no more.

He came to rest beneath an outcrop. Silence.


Journey to Ábrelyn - Part III

Journey to Ábrelyn (a tale of Emélrenè) - Part III - the Maw of Ages

Kélroth woke with a start. It was cool, clear morning, and the first rays of sunlight were breaking over the upper Gadén valley. He had slept poorly, his sleep disturbed by visions of endless, aching darkness, deep within the bones of the earth.

He rubbed his eyes and shook himself awake. As he sat up, he noticed a figure nearby was watching him intently. She was dressed in dark green, from head to foot...

Journey to Ábrelyn - Part II

Journey to Ábrelyn (a tale of Emélrenè) - Part II - the Elder Dark

The group of fosterlings made camp on a ridge overlooking a stream that ran down to join the upper reaches of the Gadén river. The sun set early, even though it was summer, passing down behind mount Negéros, now far to the west. Mists rose from the valley below, and a gloom gathered round the group.

Their elderly émhlèn guide, Erýnos, as he had done before, warned the group to keep close together, and not...

Journey to Ábrelyn

Journey to Ábrelyn (a tale of Emélrenè) - Part I - the Call of Home

Kélroth and his companions had travelled several days on their journey up the Legáma river valley from Ráleth, making their way along the trail through the foothills of the Jerinálian mountains. They had been provided hospitality at Hiténos keep, the seat of the Earl of Negáros.

The group's guide, an aged émhlè, had been warmly welcomed by the Earl's constable, and they had been provided with...
