Hârn Regional Map Preview

Harn Interactive MapThe definitive version of one of the best-loved fantasy maps ever made, available in both printed and interactive multi-layered PDF file formats.

All new vegetation and relief makes geographical features clearer than ever before. This is the most detailed map of Hârn ever made.

Complete replication of all geographical & settlement features from N. Robin Crossby’s 1983 Hârn Map, with many additional features identified. There are more than 500 geographical and settlement features on this map.

This is one of the most ‘artful’ fantasy maps ever published. It looks more like a satellite photo than a topographic map, yet has all the detail of the original 1983 map (and much more).

This product is available in both printed and electronic formats, as two separate products, from the Keléstia Productions webstore:

- Hârn Regional Map (interactive PDF version)
- Hârn Regional Map (printed version)

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