
ElBray's picture

Hi all,

I just wanted to post to say I'm thoroughly enjoying your work on Lythia. I've been involved with the setting since the late 80s (ouch!) and back then always wanted to know more about what was happening on the continent away from the island of Harn - and now I do!

I'm basically wondering if you have any updated idea of what is coming next? I know you can't answer that accurately, but it's been over a year since anything new became available which is starting to make me a little worried. Basically I need some reassurance that I'll be getting some new material to feed my craving! In addition, I also wanted to ask whether there will be more Atlas entries or kingdom modules as, although the regional overviews are excellent and needed, the more detailed stuff forms the meat and drink of an average gaming session at least for me.

Cheers and keep up the great work


Shealladh's picture

Sadly this seems to be no update and only one releasing stuff is CG.

Wish there was more here