Excerpts from our products and preliminary material to give you an impression of what to expect.
HârnMaster Preview 7: Shamanism

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HârnMaster Preview 6: Character Generation

HârnMaster Preview 5: Mysteries

HârnMaster Preview 4: Mental Trauma

HârnMaster Preview 3: Injury Routine

HârnMaster Preview 2: Sunsign Modifiers

HârnMaster Preview 1: Skill System

HârnMaster Preview: Dragon Bestiary Entry

Falânia Gazetteer Preview
A two-page preview document for the Falânia Gazetteer, showcasing the beautiful cover illustration, a small-scale version of the map of western Falânia as well as a sample entry from the gazetteer (with information on the city of Silgôra).
Extract of "Summa Venâriva"
The contents page, five pages of text and a map from "Summa Venâriva".
Also available, a copy of the PDF product index.