
Chélemby Character Birthplace Generator

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This supplement for Chélemby enables users of HarnMaster Gold to randomly generate a Chéler character's birthplace. Developed by Francesco Catenacci.

Atlas Keléstia - Open Sea

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Multi-layered PDF map for a generic Atlas Keléstia open sea square. Most vector layers which appear in Atlas maps have been omitted and only the various hex and square grid layers are included.

Download also includes a "flattened" PDF with just the 5-league hex grid.

Extract of "Summa Venâriva"

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The contents page, five pages of text and a map from "Summa Venâriva".

Also available, a copy of the PDF product index.

HMG Occupation Tables

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HârnMaster Gold Occupation Tables, in both PDF and XLS versions.

These should be more accessible than the format in HârnMaster Player Edition.

Chélemby Occupation Table

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Chélemby Occupation Table, a PDF and XLS version of an adapted Occupation Table for Chélemby, for use with HârnMaster.
