
Chélemby Occupation Table

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Chélemby Occupation Table, a PDF and XLS version of an adapted Occupation Table for Chélemby, for use with HârnMaster.

Extract (200%) of Atlas Keléstia Map

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An extract from Atlas Keléstia SHKN-J5 (Ôrgetkin) zoomed in at 200%.

This is a PNG file, rather than a PDF file, which is the format of the actual product.

Lédenheim: Clans & Folk Preview

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Lédenheim Cover

Lédenheim: Clans & Folk is a supplement designed for use with Hârbáaler Kingdom of Lédenheim, a publication sold separately by Keléstia Productions Ltd.

Great Clans of Emélrenè

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Great Clans of Emélrenè

Emélrenè is the oldest feudal realm in Venârivè (Northwestern Lýthia). The kingdom’s noble houses can trace their ancestry back generations, and claim links to the founder of the realm.

Each noble clan also has links to the ‘Free Eméla’ or Émhlè, the Eméla who live a semi-nomadic lifestyle in the wildlands of the kingdom and beyond.

Nightsky of Kèthîra Generator

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Are the stars right? From now on, you can easily see for yourself: Hârn fan Michael Jung has created an online tool that shows the constellations visible from Kèthîra on a specific location and on a specific day of the year.

With the help of this tool, you can now see what your character sees when he looks up to a starlit nightsky.

To the Nightsky page
