
Evánekin d20 Support Module

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A supplementary module detailing Evánekin for the d20 system.

Evánekin d20 provides a town statblock for the castle and port, fully detailed NPCs who are prominent in the town. It also lists local rumours and folklore for Gather Information checks, lists all craftsmen and services available in the town with detailed classes, alignments, skill levels, prices, and more.

Kingdom of Chélemby Preview

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Preview (sample pages) from the Kingdom of Chélemby module
PDF; 4 pages, full colour, illustrated

The full product is available for purchase here.

Skill Calculator (Updated)

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Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet for HârnMaster v.2.1 Gold. Enter Attributes and the spreadsheet calculates Automatic, Family, Occupational and Militia Skills.

You need Microsoft Excel to view and use this file.

HMg Character Profile Workbook

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This Excel workbook keeps track of your HMg character's attributes, skills, injuries, equipment, weapons, armour, steeds, ritual invocations, spells and more! It can be extensively modified to suit optional rules and house rules. Includes a detailed manual.

Role-playing Luck Coupons

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Roleplaying Luck Coupons. Just a bit of worthless fun.
Players: print them out, and see if your GM honours them (it's worth a try).
GMs: They make really great gifts for your players.
