Product Previews

HârnMaster Preview 7: Shamanism

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An overview of shamanism, the most prominent Astral Mystery that is neither magic nor miracle. Consists of two separate downloads: the overview itself (2 pages) and a sample shaman PC named Kyho of the Kath. As a bonus download to the preview, we provide the new two-page character sheet, designed by Paul Klassen.

HârnMaster Preview 6: Character Generation

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A very detailed preview of the new HârnMaster's character creation and development system, also containing the full list of skills. Consists of two separate downloads: the main rules brochure (14 pages) and a pre-filled character sheet of an example character.

HârnMaster Preview 5: Mysteries

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A look at the different forms of esoteric traditions and practices (Pvarism, divine grace, shamanism, alchemy, divination etc.) to be found in the upcoming HârnMaster's Mysteries chapter

HârnMaster Preview 4: Mental Trauma

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This preview of the next edition of HârnMaster (2023) is an excerpt from the Mental Trauma section, dealing with psychological stress and fear.

HârnMaster Preview 3: Injury Routine

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This preview of the next edition of HârnMaster (2023) explains the combat system's Injury Routine in detail. It covers aspects like hit locations and injury effects.
