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Map Corrections and Updates

We do our best, but errors still happen. So we're posting revised versions of five of the seven (so far) published Atlas Keléstia issues. The maps affected are squares SHKN-E7, H7, I4, J5 and J6. Anyone who has already purchased these maps can download the new versions by going to their profile's files page.

What did we change?

There were some minor typos (punctuation errors and a few mispelled words) in the PDF and XLS data accompanying the maps, plus a bit of inconsistent formatting of some data. In addition to such relatively minor corrections, more significant amendments which merit your obtaining fresh copies of the files include:

  • E7 (Tróldblist) - Tróldblist holder in XLS data file should be "Order of the Scarlet Portal". [*]
  • H7 (Trepûra) - Sónise keep was described as being on an unnavigable stretch of river but included port facility data.
  • H7 (Trepûra) - "Shérdun" ruins in data should be "Shérlun" to match the map.
  • I4 (Galésa) - Opresyn should have been marked and described as a waterfall rather than a rapids, per the old 1988 regional map.
  • J5 (Ôrgetkin) - Waterfall on the Ôrget River bend (again, marked on the old 1988 regional map) was missing. It now appears as the "Stôrojing" falls.
  • J6 (Tîrghavn) - Tîrghavn port facility data were incomplete.
  • J6 (Tîrghavn) - Dàvalénby, Mégelhem and Múndby port facility data were not included, although they were available in the Lédenheim kingdom module.

Please note: If you purchased several of these map products, when downloading fresh copies, we recommend that you do so one at a time (as opposed to clicking on download links while other downloads are in progress).

* The error in E7 does not affect copies of this issue that were purchased after May 9.

Atlas Keléstia - SHKN F7 & E7 (Hélegat & Tróldblist)

Keléstia Productions have published the sixth and seventh issues of Atlas Keléstia. Combined they describe map squares SHKN-F7 (Hélegat) and E7 (Tróldblist), an area including all of the island of Hélegat in the Gulf of Shôrkýnè.

To learn more about Atlas Keléstia SHKN-F7 and E7 and to make a purchase, go to:

The Atlas Keléstia index can be viewed at:

Coming next in the eighth issue of Atlas Keléstia will be SHKN-I5 (Zýna).

Tára: Chapter 4 - Wolves of the Sea

Badge of the Pilot's GuildEastern Venârian Sea; 20 Halánè TR715

Tára looked out over the handrail of the Kald Blyst, back towards the Degéla estuary and the rapidly fading outline of the islands and docks of the city of Janôra. It had been good to see her old city, and her family, once again after many years away.

They had left the Janôra docks with the rising tide towards the end of the afternoon watch, and were now making their way south, returning to the port of Kôlvis on the island of Menêma.

The bosun of the Blyst called out orders to the crew as the ship tacked in the freshening breeze. Tára felt the presence of someone at her shoulder, and turned slightly to see her master, the pilot of the Blyst, Ertâr.

Atlas Keléstia - SHKN G7 (Létryn)

Keléstia Productions have published the fifth issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-G7 (Létryn), an area located in northern Loála on the central Shôrkýni coast.

To learn more about Atlas Keléstia SHKN-G7 and to make a purchase, go to:

The Atlas Keléstia index can be viewed at:

Atlas Keléstia - SHKN J6 (Tîrghavn)

Keléstia Productions have published the fourth issue of Atlas Keléstia. It describes map square SHKN-J6 (Tîrghavn), the lands at the mouth of the mighty Tîrga River.

To learn more about Atlas Keléstia SHKN-J6 and to make a purchase, go to:

The Atlas Keléstia index can be viewed at:

Coming next in the fifth issue of Atlas Keléstia will be SHKN-G7 (Létryn).
